What is a Sound Bath Experience Like?
When I first heard of a sound bath, I was so intrigued. I immediately assumed it meant that I would be in water and listening to a soundscape. My honest heart tends to take things literally sometimes, plus I was fresh out of my first experience in a flotation tank (that’s a story for another time!)
What is a sound bath?
A sound bath is a meditative experience where the receiver lies down and receives what I like to call, “a cellular massage of sound,” from various highly resonant instruments like singing bowls, gongs, tuning forks, shruti box, chimes, rattles and voice. It is often referred to as a sound healing, or sound meditation as well.
Although you are not actually submerged in water (although I’ve done treatments in private sound sessions for clients in water - so cool!), you truly feel like you are being bathed in sound. This is because vibration is one of the most effective ways to communicate with the nervous system. More to come on the science behind sound soon!
What to Bring With You, Setting the Space & Tools to Support Relaxation:
Sound in the time of Corona, looks a little different these days! In the good ‘ol days of in-person experiences, depending on the setting, you’d bring with you comfortable & cozy clothes, a yoga mat, a crystal or some other personal small object you may want to charge during the experience and an open heart. One of my favorite local and femme-owned boutiques to get crystals and ritual inspirations from is Elements of Aura.
Much of this doesn’t change now that we are in the world of many experiences being virtual. Headphones & a quiet space are must when tuning into a virtual sound meditation experience - whether or not it’s a pre-recorded track or an inspiring virtual experience. This is because the hertz frequencies emitting from the healing instruments aren’t always picked up on device speakers like laptops or iphones. I have learned so much about audio production to ensure that all of my virtual experiences are of the highest quality. Stereo sound allows for us to capture the magic of the sound waves just like you’d be there right next to the bowls in person, but you are in the comfort of your own home. Pretty amazing!
When it comes to setting the space for yourself, first things first finding a quiet place where you can retreat into some uninterrupted quality time is so key. I know this is hard to come by these days, many of us with families, roommates and partners. We don’t need a “perfect” quiet moment to meditate, but advocating for your relaxation by communicating your need for uninterrupted space is so important. Don’t be afraid to speak those needs, you open up the space for others to speak their needs too. So key in the time of Corona!
Of course we’d all love to be able to meditate all the time inside of a boutique & tranquil spa, or at the top of a mountain or the base of an island waterfall. Dream big! Yet remember that it’s our great assignment to bring the practice in our modern lives and make peace and tranquility with what we’ve got. Setting a space for yourself can be simple, its the little details of care you make for yourself that matter. A sprig of floral from your morning walk, a delicious candle from the local shop, a cup of tea or cacao and a journal. All things that help “set the tone” and get your heart and mind intrigued into relaxation. Less is more - the sacred is simple.
What to Expect (or Not) with a Sound Bath
Typically at the beginning of the practice I joke with everyone and say let’s just throw expectations out of the window. Sounds cool right? As a Virgo that’s nearly impossible for me to do. I want to know where we’re going, how we’re getting there and what I can expect along the way. In our modern lives, we’re conditioned into leading with control so this is programming we have to consciously work to unravel. Sound is here to help.
Ever been swimming and just kicked your feet up and surrender to the water holding you? That’s what a sound meditation feels like. Letting go, of expectation, of the attachment to how you might feel afterwards, it’s all a part of the experience. Easier said than done, but know the sound is here to guide you and that release will feel more natural on some days, and harder on others. All times though, you don’t have to “do anything.” You are simply there to receive and just “be.” How cool to consider that we don’t have to “do” anything to receive relaxation.
One of the most intriguing things to me about a sound meditation, is that no two experiences are ever the same. Each person brings their own energy into the mix, inspiring the transmission and also receiving it in their own way as each of us responds to sound based off of our own anatomical, emotional and energetic makeup.
How to Set an Intention for a Sound Bath?
It is my intention that you leave every experience feeling held, seen, nourished and cared for - in whatever ways you needed in that moment knowing or unknowingly. As much as each person's experience varies, often times people experience slight tingling in the soles of their feet and hands, light color visualizations, sensorial feeling through the body like currents of energies, a lowered and regulated heart rate - I’ve even had people fall asleep and snore (my most favorite instrument to add to a sound experience!)
When it comes to your personal intention for the experience, this is a powerful way to frame your experience and leave feeling complete, inspired and relaxed. When I think of intentions, I think of the act of exploring what you hope to feel, work through, experience during the sound bath journey. How can the waves of the bowls wash away things that feel heavy to hold in your heart? When you lie back and listen, how can you allow the experience to soften you into the truth of your heart and the peace of the moment? What are your goals, desires, dreams?
By thinking or even better, writing these explorations down at the beginning of a sound bath experience, we can charge them up together and come out the other side feeling activated, peaceful and inspired. Quantum Physics tells us that everything in life has a vibration - including words. When we think of intention setting, it allows us to amplify whatever words we are choosing to be clear of through the vibrational experience of a sound bath. I’ve had many conversations with people whose dreams, emotions, desires, goals have come true the more they commit to active intention-writing before during and after sound experiences.
How to Integrate After a Sound Bath?
One of the most important things to consider when caring for yourself and integrating after an experience, is to drink lots of purified water! We are bodies of water on the planet of water. Just like a physical massage, this cellular massage of sound is highly detoxifying and hydrating with water and comforting tea, or even better sipping on that from a hot bath with epsom salts is a sure way to maximize the healing benefits of the experience.
Another really important way to integrate after the experience is “sealing up the container.” We can do that by imaging our personal bubble around us and literally drawing with our hands a bubble from our feet to the top of our heads in a circle with our fingers. As you do this, you breathe in and out and say aloud or to yourself, “I am protected, I am safe, I am home in this body.” There is so much more to talk about when it comes to the auric field (aka personal bubble) but this is a great place to start!
Last thing to consider, is limiting your exposure to social media and technology after a sound bath experience. These platforms are a beautiful way to connect with others, yet many of us have become addicted to them in ways we know and are unknowingly attached (I’m working on this so much!). After these experiences you are energetically much more open and so it’s essential that you are mindful of the energy you're taking in. One thing I like to practice after experiences like this is turning my phone on airplane mode until the following morning after my meditation practice. For many, this might not be an option, you have children, families, people to care for. You’ll have to write your own rules, just like anything. Keeping in mind that your post-meditation care is just as important as the practice itself.
I think the sentiment of “writing your own rules on your rituals,” is a great place to land for now. It’s been a blast connecting with you here and swimming around in the waters of all things sound baths with you.
For more intriguing insights, digital downloads, virtual experiences and private sound sessions visit www.lunamaye.com
Got questions or curiosities into the world of sound? I’m here to help and just one email away.